
I have a long-standing commitment to teaching, which bears directly on my approach to practicing law.  Fully-informed clients make better choices, are happier, and can limit their exposure to legal fees by learning to perform certain routine legal tasks for themselves.  It's just like controlling your medical expenses through proper diet, regular exercise and good life-style choices.  That said, certain tasks are best left to your doctor...or your lawyer...and I will always be clear with my advice on this point just as with any other, and I will respect the choices that you make.

My teaching experience includes the following:

20 years teaching Business Law as an Adjunct Professor at Champlain College;

15 years teaching International Law as an Adjunct Professor at Vermont Law School;

Regular presentations to Vermont lawyers for the Vermont Bar Association and other continuing education sponsors;

Dozens of trainings for Russian judges and lawyers on comparative law subjects over 30 trips to Russia between 1991 and 2011;

Regular trainings for education administrators, hearing officers and mediators;

Fall semester 1995 teaching full-time at Petrozavodsk State University Law Faculty, in Karelia, Russia, as a Senior Fulbright Scholar;

Teaching emergency field medicine for the National Ski Patrol since 1983.